Today on Inman Real Estate News - No tipping point offers a few terrific reasons for why real estate broker-owners may not be spending their advertising cash online.
In his blog, Brad Inman give ten reasons for why this may be:
- For decades, their tried and tested model for getting business is paying sales commissions to real estate agents.
- Agents tend to pay for consumer marketing, not brokers.
- The lead management technology out there to help brokers digest and distribute leads is not very good.
- Brokers are incented to give Web leads to low performing agents, for better splits, that creates trouble in the office with top producers and gives an inferior experience to the consumer.
- Some brokers who have tested online lead programs have been disappointed with the results.
- To do it right, brokers need to invest big dollars, like Weichert has, in e-commerce systems.
- To justify the economics of the investment, brokers must also sell a referral program inside the company, which is not very popular with agents.
- The housing market has slowed, putting broker attention elsewhere.
Technology intimidates many brokers.
- Many brokers put their attention on fighting Web innovation instead of embracing it.
What do you think?
Brad hit the nail on the head with almost all of these. Nevertheless, for our purposes the last two are the most important. The Pro hopes to help with the woes of techno-intimidation by offering a few routes towards success to embrace. Your voice matters. The real estate market is influenced by you. Why not make your presence as colorful as possible?
technorati tags: brokers, realestate, online, advertising, technology