An amazing blog for gmail and google-type hacks, Ghacks posted a fat list of sites that offer free file hosting and even went so far as to tell us the following for each site:
Reg: Does the site require a registration before you can use their services ? Registration means free registration of course.
Filesize: Is there a maximum size for a single file, in Mb ? No res = no restrictions
Space: How much diskspace is allocated for the user
? If there is no registration the max filesize has been taken as max
space allowed. No res = no restrictionsBandwidth: Are there bandwidth limitations ? no res = no restrictions, d=max downloads, h=per hour
Filetypes: Are certain filetypes not allowed to be uploaded ?
Hotlinking: Does the site allow hotlinking ?
Expires: Are the files auto-deleted after a time,
if yes the number of days are shown. If the number is unknown yes will
be shown. Sometimes files only get deleted after inactivity for a
certain time, if thats the case a “i” is added to the
number. Sometimes file get deleted after a certain number of downloads,
if thats the case a “d” is added to the number.
Very helpful!
Google Operating System Blog told us of the new features for Google Calender that lets you check your schedule from anywhere via mobile phone.
* if you're in the US, you can access your calendar from your mobile
phone. You just have to send a SMS to 48368 (GVENT) with the text
"next" to see the upcoming events. Send "day" to get all of your
scheduled events for the present day and "nday" to get all of your
events for the following day. You can even create events, just send the
details in a format similar to this: "Go to dinner at Chef Cafe
tomorrow at 9pm".
Total Tutorial -a fantastic resource for those interested in learning everything that there is to know about Photoshop, Flash and PHP. This may be a tid-bit much for the average real estate agent, but it never hurts to try dive right in!
Technorati Tags: tips, tricks, Photoshop, tools, google calender, hacks, Flash, tutorials