A Blog Stocking full of hacks, tools and tips and buttons
Long time no blog, Pros! I must apologize for my lack of post-age, as I've recently taken a small break from real estate, focusing more on collaborative art and photography projects (including a book!! I will surely keep you up to date). I know, I know it was very un-Pro to have not tipped you off earlier. I promise to be more Pro in the future.
So...right to business:
Found a few great resources to exploit in your never ending quest to save time.
250 Free Office Templates and Documents
Addthis.com offers a great tool for simplifying your social bookmarking life.
Also...here are a couple of great posts regarding Hacking your email in 99 ways [IT Security] and a variety of posts about real estate podcast marketing and podcasting [RSS Pieces]
powered by performancing firefox
There are new social-bookmark sites coming out all the time. It you try to add these manually to your site it can be very time consuming to track when a new site comes along and then add it to your site. If you use the "addthis.com" item referenced by this post, as new sites come along they are incorporated into "addthis.com" and thus you automatically get them. I find this extremely useful, as I don't need to track who is new or manually add them to my site. I would certainly recommend this facility.
Posted by: Robert | January 03, 2007 at 03:18 PM