Create Property Diagrams and Plans Online with Gliffy and a Peak inside Pro's account
On Pro's way to becoming Pro today he stumbled across a post from good ole faithful Lifehacker- (which happens to have a completely new blog design btw and lookin' good!!) regarding a new online diagram creator thingy. It's called Gliffy [beta] and it looks pretty interesting. But most importantly, it looks like it can be very useful to all my favorite real estate agent 2.0 Pros out there. Its quick and easy to use- Pro tried it out already- thumbs up! Give it a whirl and see if you can start making your own floor plans. Good luck!
CNET [review of Gliffy]
Make diagrams online with Gliffy [Lifehacker]
ALSO.... i just wanted to mention that I appreciate all of the nice comments and questions that you guys send me via email. If at all possible, lets try to start putting questions and remarks in as comments so that everyone can benefit from your inquiry. No question is too stupid for the Pro- he's just trying to help you out. Its hard to find that in real estate 1.0.
Keep this in mind: If you ever have a specific question or are looking for direction on your own, a good place to check first is my account. If you are not yet familiar with what this (ie. is, its a way of publishing all of your bookmarks to the public- or social bookmarking, rather. Search in the tags for the subject that you have in mind and take a stab at it. Pro doesn't have time to post every trick that he finds or comes up with, obviously. Therefore, in between posts, you can always find goodies in my bookmarks. Happy Hunting!
and if you like tag sifting, check out this new site TagFetch [via Webby's World]
Technorati Tags: property diagrams, online tool, gliffy, tips and tricks,, tagging, bookmarks
Thanks for the mention of Gliffy. We are very appreciative. If you have any suggestions and/or feedback please drop us a line at our newly revamped website (complete with great new floor plan symbols)! Thanks,
debik at gliffy dot com
Posted by: Debi K | November 26, 2007 at 02:52 PM