There are some exciting things happing in world of Web 2.0 this week. Flickr left beta stage and arrived in Gamma mode, Paul Stamatiou helps the non-pros out with a guide to Starting a Blog. But, most exciting is the release of the new Gnotebook by Google. Its a lot like the scrapbook extension for Firefox that I discussed a week or two back. Now you can clip and save images and text that you never want to lose into a notebook. Just think of how impressive your leads and listings will look, splashed like a scrapbook behind your username...ahhh

Note This [official Notebook Blog]
AND... if you find that impressive, take a look at the Gmail filesystem

[ZDNet] Google GDrive not a rumor
Google GDrive is for Real[Paul Stamatiou]
hey...just tryin to help. That's how we become Pros!
Oh and... here's a really nice map of Web 2.0 from Blogosquare

Technorati Tags: web2.0, blogging, agents, google, flickr, tools, notebook, recent
Technorati Tags: web2.0, blogging, agents, google, flickr, tools, notebook, recent
Technorati Tags: web2.0, blogging, agents, google, flickr, tools, notebook, recent
Technorati Tags: web2.0, blogging, agents, google, flickr, tools, notebook, recent
Technorati Tags: web2.0, blogging, agents, google, flickr, tools, notebook, recent