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September 06, 2007

You ARE in Ninjatown...well, NinjaCity anyway

Speaking of Ninjas...In this city, one must have a bit of Ninja sensibility in order to survive. If you don't, you need to befriend one IMMEDIATELY! LoftNinja's buddy over at "I Guess We'll Just Have To Adjust" blog is just dying to get to Ninjatown- a place that no one really even knows where the hell it is or what it is for that matter.   
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Speaking of Ninjas...In this city, one must have a bit of Ninja sensibility in order to survive.  If you don't, you need to befriend one IMMEDIATELY!  LoftNinja's buddy over at "I Guess We'll Just Have To Adjust" blog is just dying to get to Ninjatown- a place that no one really even knows where the hell it is or what it is for that matter.  I suppose its just a bunch of fun to speculate about all things ninja, in general, really.  I mean, I sure as hell do and I am one!  In any case,let's discuss the little bit that we do know about Ninjatown (as handed down by one who is adjusting). First, how about the cast: My favorite so far is the Business Ninja. He would definitely fit in Manhattan (and along the waterfront in Brooklyn these days, unfortunately). http://loftninja.googlepages.com/business_ninja.jpg I'm not too sure about this Anti-Ninja character, however, as I can't understand how anyone could be against Ninjas.  But then again, I like myself.  Hmmm...I guess there's gotta always be that one....sorta like a grumpy smurf, but a ninja. http://loftninja.googlepages.com/anti_ninja.jpg Here's the cast so far: http://loftninja.googlepages.com/ninjatowncast.jpg Ninjatown has all sorts of Ninjas running around, but if they were smart, they'd move in a LoftNinja to help all of these other guys find places to live when their evil landlord ninjas kick them out so that they can built taller dojos. Here's a cool little movie about it, if you're interested. For the record, I'm not obsessed with ninjas or anything.  As you already know, I am one.  I just think that there should be a town where hard working ninjas are glorified and can live together, kicking ass all day. Someone should write those guys and let them know about me.  Maybe.  What do you think?


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