LoftNinja Getting Back into the Swing of Things
As many of you have noticed, your buddy the LoftNinja has been away. Having (temporarily) reached the end of his rope with this real estate racket, he decided to take a little break rather than turning to the dark side. Many of you have tried to make contact lately, with little success. LoftNinja apologizes and promises that it was with good reason that he has been difficult to track lately. New York City real estate is no joke (i'm being serious here). From my end, It can be like taking a bullet over and over to the brain, or better yet giving yourself a flying front kick repeatedly and having no one's ass to kick other than your own. No one (in five years) that I have found in my position gives a rats ass about artists being forced from their "situations" during a time of rapid and ridiculous gentrification. Why? Simply because artists (for the most part) are poor and at large, lack the assertiveness and business minded attributes that it takes to find, negotiate, renegotiate and finally sign a lease on a space in New York City. The run around that they get from landlords and management companies will in most times result in panic and a return to the drawing board. Good thing artists are the ones who draw, i suppose.
The LoftNinja is not afraid of trying. Because he expects to fail a few times before actually succeeding, he isn't afraid to draw. Upon returning to NYC, my approach to real estate is going to change a bit....exactly how, I cannot say at this point. I am deeply concerned for those who are serious about their creations and fully realize that in these times of great change, those of us who make an area desirable through the colors we spread, do not spread color for dollars alone. Our culture is threatened by the Darthveloper , with his lack of concern for the family and landscape that we create, while taking advantage of all that we are being forced to leave behind. LoftNinja hates those aspects of real estate which he is most obsessed- the parts that need to change. Real estate agents need to wise up and recognize that chunks of money are never worth the lives that at times can get ruined. If I were to have entered into this profession with dollar signs in my eyes, I would have exited long, long ago. I'm not pissed anymore, just concerned. A lottery mentality is the first to destroy a neighborhood and splinter a culture. All in all, when I soon return I just wanted to let you know of my intentions. I plan to continue trying my best to help you find what you need, given what I have to work with. At the same time, you can be sure that I will also continue to entertain myself,along with anyone else who is interested with some real estate art. I can only appreciate real estate in so far as I can openly make fun of everything stupid that occurs as a result of it. The piece above is my latest creation. I call it "in training."
I should have some new listing up for you soon. If you are in need of something specifically, hit me on the email.
BTW: if you want to see the creations of someone else who has let real estate eat away at his heart, check out Real Estate For Scumbags Blog. It's definately a different way of handling it, but I can see where the blogger's coming from.
Technorati Tags: real estate ART, art, Real Estate for Scumbags, LoftNinja