The Pro suggests NumSum, if you care to create easily created and sharable web spreadsheets online.
A real estate agent- blogger could find a lot of use for this handy tool. Keep track of listings, log your commissions, never lose track of your expenses again. If you're an agent that works for a small company, like me, you'll appreciate being able to share information with your co-workers regarding hot properties, inside information and data relating to the current market. Enjoy!
[link tip passed on by a Flickr buddy, runswithscissors]
I suppose this is as good of a time as any to introduce one of justiNYC's many side projects. Behold, allow me to introduce Real Estate Blog Pro: This will not be just a run of the mill how-to-blog blog, but rather an ongoing help site for real estate agents who want to learn how to blog and would like some tips and hacks for doing so. The Pro has a lot of tricks up his sleeve that he plans to share with the real estate community at large. The first few posts have dealt with the nature of RSS, AJAX homepages, imaging tools and such. All of the content will build upon itself (like a philosophy class) and eventually the Pro will show how to use some of these tools in very unordinary ways. For example, this week he plans to show how to create email newsletters with tools you didn't even know could be used that way. In the near future, the format will change to more of a dialogue and question/ answer type of structure. Feel free to join in and by all means, subscribe to the RSS feed and have new tips and tricks in your reader about 3 or 4 times a week.
Also feel free to contribute and definately comment. Please keep in mind that the Pro definately does not intend to insult anyone's intellegence by offering tips that some of you out there may already know. This blog will assume that some real estate agents out there with a voice and no idea how to speak it, may just need a bit of encouragement. Got a tip or trick you'd like to share? Please submit your tips to