justiNYC has slightly elsewhere and unfortunately found himself unable to make it inside the Wooster Collective Art show at 11 Spring Street over the weekend. Nevertheless, these shots were taken last night of the outside during a brief excursion into Manhattan with buddy, M. Sayyid. Here's some of the leftover 'scraps' we saw.
Sayyid chillin
Closing time at 11 Spring. Sayyid and I just missed it.
a quickr pickr post
11 Spring Street has been a Wooster Art Collective open format show of the work from (at least) 45 internationally known street artists-with of course heavy representation from NYC. At the end of the show, the building is being converted into condos. Enjoy (while you can)!
Check out Wooster
Here are some videos:
11 Spring Street
Cheeky Signs Piece at 11 Spring St., New York
11 spring street, line walk (sunday afternoon)
11 Spring Street
11 Spring Street - Final Explosion of Street Art
Wooster on 11 Spring, just a quick walk through
Art House
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