Be sure to swing by one of those orange bins, located on just about any corner in NYC and pick up the newest copy of
The L Magazine. I,
justiNYC shot the cover shot!

I find it very interesting (albeit,
very NYC) to use a photograph of street art to demonstrate the "Fitness" theme that The L is going for this time around. Even moreso, the irony of this particular piece (by internationally known UK artist,
Banksy) on this particular North 6th Street wall (currently slated for development) is especially interesting. To be precise,
this Banksy work is gone already. [
Curbed] First, it
seemingly had a new tenant, then it was gone.[Test of Will] It just goes to show,
everything in NYC does start and end with real estate-
even cover photos on entertainment guides.Few might see it this way- but could it be said that Williamsburg is "shaping up?" It is a fact that many (if not most) of the Burg's blocks are "losing weight," yet only to double, triple or even quadruple in size in the places where pounds are being shed.
Hmmm... a little real property philosophy to ponder.
Don't lose any weight over it.As many of you may know, this isn't the first time
justiNYC has had the pleasure of decorating L Magazine covers. The thrill of having around a hundred thousand New Yorkers carrying around your photograph in their back pocket is enough to feel all warm and fuzzy inside....well, maybe not but one damn sure feels as though they have "made it" in NY when it happens.
Here are a few of the other covers and stories I've worked on with the L Mag:
| The Fall Art Preview | Is the UN Doomed? | Sept 28- Oct 11, 05 volume iii issue 18 | [Cover/NYC Profile "Fulton Fish Market"] |
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