Thats right...movies! 136 Metropolitan Ave [between Metrop. & North 1st] will soon be the premier place to go
and (after taking out a mortgage on your hole in wall in NYC) afford (maybe) a descent flick in the theatre. It doesn't look like much now, but it is destined to be BIG, expensive and (as Curbed promises,
"indie"). As to exactly how big....its hard to say, considering the fact that the building is already 2,108sf over F.A.R [link].
It won't be hard for Wburgers to remember this building as it currently is, as the gigantic FOR SALE sign has been dangling out front since before Bushwick was a place to move to. Even harder to forget will be the sign that came after if was sold, as I believe it must've been the crowning achievement in that agents life- the SOLD sign still hangs to this day. For a while, a few of us in the hood have wondered whether he might take private little walks over to the building in the middle of the night, just to see if it was all a dream. Ahhhh...real estate and its hidden pleasures.
[Curbed] Storefronting: Time for a Name Change?
a quickr pickr post
Technorati Tags: Wiliamsburg, movie theatre, new, brooklyn